Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A few pics of the cabinets....

So, here a few pics of the kitchen with some of the cabinets installed. In the foreground of this picture are the tall, not very deep cabinets which be the "wall" under the island/bar sitting area. Behind in the distance are the few wall cabinets we have, one over the fridge, a big pantry next to the fridge and a corner cabinet. The fridge is moved into place.

In this picture below, this is the other section of the island/bar sitting area with more tall cabinets. The picture doesn't really do it justice, but we think it will have a bit of a wainscoting look/feel to it once the countertop is installed. To the left, background are the upper cabinets with frosted glass doors, they have lights installed in them, but I haven't connected the power to them yet. Then along the top, is the big space where the skylights are.

It just seemed like I don't take pictures of the skylight section lately, so here's one of that area.
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