Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It's been quite a while since I've put up new pictures. The project ground to a halt as Carolyn and I debated countertop choices. We had been thinking that I would make concrete countertops (they look cooler than you'd think from the name), but the weather during the winter was too cold to be able to create them. So, we decided to go with wood countertops. I think they've come out looking pretty sharp and add a lot of warmth to the space.

View from top of stairs to living room toward back of house. The big space in the ceiling is open to the three skylights, that light up the space even on this dreary day.
The island sitting area top is shown here glued up. It's rough sawn cherry (right now, has yet to be planed and sanded of course) that I got in Cooperstown. Some of the boards are 14" wide!
View from top of the stairs to living room looking toward front of house (notice the incredibly dreary day out our bay window and the Mohawk River looking all nice and gray).

View of side wall with lighted glass upper cabinets.

View from back wall to front wall. Foreground shows a bit of detail of the wood countertop. Our sink is in the other part of the island ell.
View from side wall (pictured above in first pic) toward other side wall. Back of house is to left.
View of back wall.
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